Risultati League Two - Scozia - 2024/2025
Tutte le partite con risultati e calendario del campionato di calcio League Two Scozia 2024/2025.
League Two - Scozia - 2024/2025
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
03/08/2024 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Peterhead Fc | 0 - 1 |
03/08/2024 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Stirling Albion | 1 - 2 |
03/08/2024 16:00 | Elgin City | East Fife | 4 - 2 |
03/08/2024 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Clyde | 0 - 0 |
03/08/2024 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | The Spartans Fc | 2 - 2 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
10/08/2024 16:00 | Clyde | Stranraer Fc | 1 - 0 |
10/08/2024 16:00 | East Fife | Edinburgh City Fc | 2 - 0 |
10/08/2024 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Forfar Athletic | 2 - 1 |
10/08/2024 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Elgin City | 0 - 1 |
10/08/2024 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Bonnyrigg Rose | 2 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
17/08/2024 16:00 | Clyde | Stirling Albion | 0 - 2 |
17/08/2024 16:00 | East Fife | Forfar Athletic | 2 - 1 |
17/08/2024 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Bonnyrigg Rose | 2 - 2 |
17/08/2024 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Stranraer Fc | 1 - 0 |
17/09/2024 20:45 | Elgin City | The Spartans Fc | 1 - 1 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
24/08/2024 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Clyde | 2 - 1 |
24/08/2024 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Edinburgh City Fc | 0 - 3 |
24/08/2024 16:00 | Stirling Albion | East Fife | 0 - 4 |
24/08/2024 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Elgin City | 1 - 1 |
24/08/2024 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Peterhead Fc | 0 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
31/08/2024 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Stranraer Fc | 2 - 0 |
31/08/2024 16:00 | East Fife | Clyde | 5 - 1 |
31/08/2024 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Peterhead Fc | 0 - 4 |
31/08/2024 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Elgin City | 1 - 1 |
31/08/2024 16:00 | Stirling Albion | The Spartans Fc | 1 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
14/09/2024 16:00 | Clyde | Edinburgh City Fc | 1 - 1 |
14/09/2024 16:00 | Elgin City | Bonnyrigg Rose | 2 - 1 |
14/09/2024 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Stirling Albion | 2 - 1 |
14/09/2024 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | East Fife | 2 - 1 |
14/09/2024 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Forfar Athletic | 1 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
21/09/2024 16:00 | Clyde | Elgin City | 0 - 0 |
21/09/2024 16:00 | East Fife | Peterhead Fc | 2 - 0 |
21/09/2024 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Stranraer Fc | 2 - 1 |
21/09/2024 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Bonnyrigg Rose | 0 - 2 |
12/10/2024 14:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | The Spartans Fc | 2 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
28/09/2024 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Forfar Athletic | 0 - 1 |
28/09/2024 16:00 | Elgin City | Edinburgh City Fc | 3 - 3 |
28/09/2024 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Clyde | 2 - 2 |
28/09/2024 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Stirling Albion | 0 - 2 |
28/09/2024 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | East Fife | 0 - 1 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
05/10/2024 16:00 | Clyde | The Spartans Fc | 1 - 1 |
05/10/2024 16:00 | East Fife | Bonnyrigg Rose | 5 - 0 |
05/10/2024 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Stranraer Fc | 1 - 2 |
05/10/2024 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Elgin City | 0 - 1 |
05/10/2024 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Forfar Athletic | 2 - 1 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
19/10/2024 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Edinburgh City Fc | 2 - 0 |
19/10/2024 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | East Fife | 0 - 0 |
19/10/2024 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Clyde | 3 - 1 |
19/10/2024 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Peterhead Fc | 0 - 0 |
19/10/2024 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Elgin City | 1 - 3 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
02/11/2024 16:00 | Clyde | Bonnyrigg Rose | 2 - 2 |
02/11/2024 16:00 | East Fife | Stirling Albion | 1 - 1 |
02/11/2024 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Forfar Athletic | 2 - 0 |
02/11/2024 16:00 | Elgin City | Stranraer Fc | 1 - 0 |
02/11/2024 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | The Spartans Fc | 2 - 1 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
09/11/2024 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Elgin City | 2 - 0 |
09/11/2024 16:00 | East Fife | Stranraer Fc | 1 - 2 |
09/11/2024 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Clyde | 1 - 0 |
09/11/2024 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | The Spartans Fc | 0 - 3 |
09/11/2024 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Peterhead Fc | 2 - 3 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
16/11/2024 16:00 | Clyde | East Fife | 3 - 1 |
16/11/2024 16:00 | Elgin City | Forfar Athletic | 2 - 1 |
16/11/2024 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Edinburgh City Fc | 2 - 3 |
16/11/2024 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Bonnyrigg Rose | 1 - 2 |
16/11/2024 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Stirling Albion | 3 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
03/12/2024 20:45 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Stirling Albion | 2 - 1 |
10/12/2024 20:45 | The Spartans Fc | Stranraer Fc | 1 - 3 |
17/12/2024 20:45 | Elgin City | Clyde | 4 - 2 |
17/12/2024 20:45 | Forfar Athletic | Peterhead Fc | 1 - 1 |
08/01/2025 21:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | East Fife | 2 - 4 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
07/12/2024 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | The Spartans Fc | 2 - 2 |
07/12/2024 16:00 | Clyde | Peterhead Fc | 3 - 2 |
07/12/2024 16:00 | East Fife | Elgin City | 2 - 1 |
07/12/2024 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Edinburgh City Fc | 0 - 3 |
04/03/2025 20:45 | Stranraer Fc | Forfar Athletic | 1 - 2 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
14/12/2024 16:00 | Elgin City | Stirling Albion | 2 - 4 |
14/12/2024 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Bonnyrigg Rose | 5 - 1 |
14/12/2024 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | East Fife | 1 - 0 |
14/12/2024 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Edinburgh City Fc | 0 - 0 |
14/12/2024 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Clyde | 3 - 2 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
21/12/2024 16:00 | Clyde | Forfar Athletic | 2 - 0 |
21/12/2024 16:00 | East Fife | The Spartans Fc | 5 - 1 |
21/12/2024 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Elgin City | 1 - 0 |
21/12/2024 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Bonnyrigg Rose | 2 - 0 |
21/12/2024 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Stranraer Fc | 1 - 1 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
30/11/2024 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | East Fife | 1 - 1 |
28/12/2024 16:00 | Elgin City | Peterhead Fc | 2 - 0 |
28/12/2024 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Stirling Albion | 2 - 2 |
28/12/2024 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Clyde | 1 - 1 |
28/12/2024 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Edinburgh City Fc | 1 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
04/01/2025 16:00 | Clyde | Stirling Albion | 2 - 0 |
04/01/2025 16:00 | East Fife | Forfar Athletic | 1 - 0 |
04/01/2025 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Bonnyrigg Rose | 2 - 0 |
14/01/2025 20:45 | Peterhead Fc | Stranraer Fc | 1 - 0 |
11/03/2025 20:45 | Elgin City | The Spartans Fc | 0 - 2 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
11/01/2025 16:00 | East Fife | Clyde | 3 - 0 |
11/01/2025 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Peterhead Fc | 0 - 1 |
11/01/2025 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Elgin City | 1 - 1 |
28/01/2025 20:45 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Stranraer Fc | 3 - 1 |
04/02/2025 20:45 | Stirling Albion | The Spartans Fc | 1 - 3 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
17/01/2025 20:45 | Clyde | Edinburgh City Fc | 0 - 2 |
18/01/2025 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Stirling Albion | 3 - 2 |
18/01/2025 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | East Fife | 0 - 2 |
18/01/2025 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Forfar Athletic | 1 - 1 |
04/02/2025 20:45 | Elgin City | Bonnyrigg Rose | 3 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
25/01/2025 16:00 | Clyde | Elgin City | 0 - 0 |
25/01/2025 16:00 | East Fife | Edinburgh City Fc | 4 - 1 |
25/01/2025 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Stranraer Fc | 0 - 1 |
25/01/2025 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Bonnyrigg Rose | 3 - 0 |
25/01/2025 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Peterhead Fc | 1 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
01/02/2025 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Clyde | 2 - 1 |
01/02/2025 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Stirling Albion | 4 - 3 |
01/02/2025 16:00 | Elgin City | East Fife | 1 - 0 |
01/02/2025 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Forfar Athletic | 2 - 2 |
01/02/2025 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | The Spartans Fc | 2 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
08/02/2025 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Peterhead Fc | 3 - 4 |
08/02/2025 16:00 | Clyde | Stranraer Fc | 2 - 0 |
08/02/2025 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Edinburgh City Fc | 0 - 1 |
08/02/2025 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Elgin City | 3 - 1 |
08/02/2025 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | East Fife | 0 - 1 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
15/02/2025 16:00 | East Fife | Bonnyrigg Rose | 1 - 1 |
15/02/2025 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | The Spartans Fc | 5 - 0 |
15/02/2025 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Clyde | 2 - 2 |
15/02/2025 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Forfar Athletic | 3 - 1 |
15/02/2025 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Elgin City | 1 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
22/02/2025 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Forfar Athletic | 0 - 2 |
22/02/2025 16:00 | Clyde | The Spartans Fc | 0 - 2 |
22/02/2025 16:00 | East Fife | Peterhead Fc | 0 - 0 |
22/02/2025 16:00 | Elgin City | Edinburgh City Fc | 1 - 2 |
22/02/2025 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Stirling Albion | 3 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
01/03/2025 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Elgin City | 2 - 0 |
01/03/2025 16:00 | Stirling Albion | East Fife | 1 - 0 |
01/03/2025 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Bonnyrigg Rose | 3 - 1 |
01/03/2025 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Stranraer Fc | 0 - 1 |
01/03/2025 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Clyde | 0 - 1 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
08/03/2025 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Edinburgh City Fc | 0 - 1 |
08/03/2025 16:00 | Clyde | East Fife | 1 - 2 |
08/03/2025 16:00 | Elgin City | Forfar Athletic | 0 - 1 |
08/03/2025 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Peterhead Fc | 0 - 0 |
08/03/2025 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Stirling Albion | 0 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
15/03/2025 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Stirling Albion | 1 - 1 |
15/03/2025 16:00 | East Fife | Stranraer Fc | 0 - 3 |
15/03/2025 16:00 | Elgin City | Clyde | 2 - 0 |
15/03/2025 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | The Spartans Fc | 0 - 2 |
15/03/2025 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Edinburgh City Fc | 2 - 0 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
22/03/2025 16:00 | Clyde | Bonnyrigg Rose | 3 - 1 |
22/03/2025 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | East Fife | 5 - 2 |
22/03/2025 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Peterhead Fc | 1 - 2 |
22/03/2025 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Forfar Athletic | 0 - 1 |
22/03/2025 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Elgin City | 1 - 2 |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
29/03/2025 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | Elgin City | |
29/03/2025 16:00 | East Fife | The Spartans Fc | |
29/03/2025 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Peterhead Fc | |
29/03/2025 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Edinburgh City Fc | |
29/03/2025 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Clyde |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
05/04/2025 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Clyde | |
05/04/2025 16:00 | Elgin City | Stirling Albion | |
05/04/2025 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | East Fife | |
05/04/2025 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | Bonnyrigg Rose | |
05/04/2025 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Stranraer Fc |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
12/04/2025 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | East Fife | |
12/04/2025 16:00 | Clyde | Forfar Athletic | |
12/04/2025 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Elgin City | |
12/04/2025 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | The Spartans Fc | |
12/04/2025 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Stranraer Fc |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
19/04/2025 16:00 | East Fife | Stirling Albion | |
19/04/2025 16:00 | Elgin City | Peterhead Fc | |
19/04/2025 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Bonnyrigg Rose | |
19/04/2025 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Edinburgh City Fc | |
19/04/2025 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Clyde |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
26/04/2025 16:00 | Bonnyrigg Rose | The Spartans Fc | |
26/04/2025 16:00 | Edinburgh City Fc | Forfar Athletic | |
26/04/2025 16:00 | Elgin City | Stranraer Fc | |
26/04/2025 16:00 | Peterhead Fc | East Fife | |
26/04/2025 16:00 | Stirling Albion | Clyde |
Data | Casa | Fuori | Ris. |
03/05/2025 16:00 | Clyde | Peterhead Fc | |
03/05/2025 16:00 | East Fife | Elgin City | |
03/05/2025 16:00 | Forfar Athletic | Stirling Albion | |
03/05/2025 16:00 | Stranraer Fc | Bonnyrigg Rose | |
03/05/2025 16:00 | The Spartans Fc | Edinburgh City Fc |
Questo torneo di calcio viene anche chiamato Scozia - Iv Divisione, Sco - League Two, Sco League Two, Sco4, Scotland - League Two, Scozia - League 2, Scozia - League Two, Scozia - League Two Scozzese, Scozia - Scottish League Two, Scozia - Scozia 4, Scozia - Scozia Iv Divisione, Scozia 4, Scozia League 2, Scozia League Two.